Spousal Sponsorship in Canada

The spousal sponsorship program has a core goal—to bring couples together and reunite families. Canada tries to process the spousal sponsorship applications quickly so people can get on with their lives together here. In fact, 70,000 - 85,000 applications are approved each year! So, if the application satisfies the officer you are a genuine couple and you have provided the required forms and materials and satisfactory proof of the relationship, your application has a very good chance of being approved.

However, like any immigration program in Canada, it can be difficult to know where to start with your application. That said, let’s dive in. 

What is a Spousal Sponsorship? 

Spousal sponsorship is the option for a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada to sponsor their spouse or common law partner for residency in Canada. This program is one of the easier ways for people to enter the country—almost a third Permanent Residents enter Canada through spousal sponsorships. 

What Do I Need To Apply For Spousal Sponsorship? 

Applying for a spousal sponsorship can seem like a daunting process and, if you are doing it on your own, you may feel overwhelmed with all the requirements, and not be sure of what to focus on.

A common source of application panic: the Spousal Sponsorship checklist requires the sponsor to obtain a letter from the employer, implying you must be employed to sponsor. In actuality, you just have to prove that you’re not on social assistance, so there’s no need to get hung up on this piece! If you are not working, then explain how you support yourself so the officer can understand you are not on social assistance.

When we’re helping couples through this process, we divide the process into two phases: 

1. Round One is about gathering basic information and documents, such as:

  • contact information of both of you

  • birth certificate and passport of the applicant and marriage certificate 

  • Canadian passport or permanent resident card for the sponsor

  • The sponsor’s most recent Notice of Assessment. 

2. Round Two is more about gathering information and documents to prove there is a relationship. This part includes gathering the story, photos, emails, text messages, and anything suggesting you are in a real relationship–much of this may have been generated long before the wedding or before you lived together for at least a year as a common-law couple.  Each couple’s proof is different from what others show–just remember there will be an officer looking at your materials who wants to be satisfied this is a genuine relationship.

As you can imagine, this process of telling the story about your relationship is not a scientific exercise.  There is no language test, no points for age or education or work experience.  Rather, we are involved with the art of presenting your situation accurately so the officer understands you have met the eligibility criteria for this type of immigration application.

Tips For Going Through the Spousal Sponsorship Application Process

The number one piece of advice we give clients is to tell the truth. The officer going through your application is trying to answer one central question: is this a real relationship? They want to approve your application, but any suspicions you create can hold you back. 

The spousal sponsorship application will ask you how you met. Just tell your story. Often, we’ll sit down with clients and casually ask them to share their story. Then we ask them to write that story in a page or two.  The officer will then be able to quickly understand what is going on. 

A tip: do your homework. If you plan to get married in a different country, it’s important to look into the requirements particularly those in regard to what is required to get married in that other country–you do not want to make that long trip for nothing, eh.

An occasional problem we see is the incomplete dissolution of a previous marriage. If you or your prospective spouse were divorced in a different country which was not properly registered there and then marry again, when you go to sponsor this next spouse, the officer may view you as still married to that first person and not recognize that second marriage. So, be sure to marry someone who is not still “married” to their previous spouse. 

Issues With Spousal Sponsorship Applications

Edge Immigration sees occasional issues when guiding clients through the spousal sponsorship process. 

  • Significant age differences between the spouses may affect your chances of being approved.  Officers are accustomed to applications where the spouses are close in age and a large age gap can affect the officer’s thoughts about the genuineness of the relationship. If your age gap is large, you will want to work extra hard to explain why the two of you, and those around you, believe in your relationship.

  • Officers are always on the lookout for those who are not in a real relationship and want to use this straightforward route to gaining status in Canada, so…..the secret is: don’t look like these folks.  Give a solid application which leaves no doubt your relationship is genuine. 

  • As is the reality in life, sometimes people break up during the application process. In this case, it’s imperative the sponsor notify IRCC as soon as possible.

Fortunately, these issues are not frequently seen, and the vast majority of applications are well-presented with no red flags. 

How Can Edge Immigration Help Me Apply For Spousal Sponsorship? 

We’re here to remove the mystery from this process. We receive many calls from those who just want to know where to start. However, they often call back when they aren’t far into their application yet and have become overwhelmed. There’s a lot at stake for a couple–their future together–and they feel more comfortable putting the process in expert hands. 

To help you get started, we can show you the correct link or form. Sometimes it’s as simple as being pointed in the right direction. 

If you would like further assistance, we will explain what is needed to compile all the necessary information. We will walk you through the process in detail, ensure your application is complete, and submit the application for you.

Beyond this, we can quash your fears, quell your anxieties, and answer any of your questions.  We view your application through the eyes of the officer who will be approving it. Most suspicions or red flags will be as apparent to us as they will to the officer, so we can provide explanations before the officer requests them.  Our experience with the process can be invaluable for getting you to your goal.

If you’re about to begin the process of getting your partner into Canada, please reach out with any questions—big or small. We would be pleased to assist in bringing the two of you together. 


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